Patch Notes for ModGod CS Last Updated: 23.07.16 Please note: This is quick notes made by ModGod developers and may contain spelling mistakes, technical terms and other grammatical errors. We are programmers not english scholars! This information is to inform players of updates in a more technical detail. *********************************************************************************************************************** ** Report bugs/issues and proposals at ** *********************************************************************************************************************** v0.1.0-indev Build 01 - 05.03.14-15.03.14 First Person Camera With WASD Movement With Mouse look Click to play Clicking enters fullscreen and locks mouse 100x100 Plane as temporary terain at y=0 Plane has floor texture (1024x1024 - High Res. Later probably add graphics settings ans low res versions) v0.1.0-indev Build 02 - ??.0?.14 WorldObject Class Manages properties (Position, motion, position last and rotation) WorldObjects array Collisions with world objects (Box collisions only) You can enable "DEBUGMODE" by defining it in the console set it to true v0.1.1-indev Build 03 - ??.0?.14 Added verticle gravity Added jump Fixed Collision bug with incorect length value to player size Made Ground one primitive not 1000s Bugs BUG Fullscreen doesnt work with F11 anymore caused by monogame BUG Cannot turn off V-Sync with monogame BUG When standing on block. Theres a chance to full through it and get stuck v0.1.1-indev Build 04 - 17.05.14 Now able to place blocks (1x1x1) by holding down lmb and releasing lmb when it is in the right place The block will disapare if inside another when releasing lmb The Block highlights red if inside before letting go of lmb Now able to highlight blocks by looking at them Up to 10 units away Right click to delete highlighted block Known bug: When standing on block. Lag spikes can force you through the ground TODO: Add MipMapping v0.1.2-indev Build 05 - 18.05.14 Only blocks within the render distnace - 10 and within the view frustum Fixed: When standing on block. Lag spikes can force you through the ground Added texture selector Displays 5 textures Use Up/Down arrows to scroll through/change texture (Different from ModGod JS) v0.1.2-indev Build 06 - 24.05.14 Added skybox Added infinite ground (Better than the origanal 16 less polys) Added ModGod Icon Added the x64 or x86 on title bar v0.1.2-indev Build 07 - 24.05.14 When placing Cubes against the ground they convert in to planes (Opmization) v0.1.3-indev Build 08/08b - 24.05.14-01.06.14 Add Server connection to existing ModGod server When connected login with Set login (for now) Then gets and displays map data Sends placed blocks to server when player creates a block Sends a delete message when block is deleted Now no longer colide with floor objects when blocks are created from other players or when rejoining Added a fancy login Encrypts the password And remembers feilds if checked Has background image Changed Q to toggle the grid alignment instead of holding. Make WorldProcessor Class process the world Added Chat Added temporary Message Form v0.1.3-indev Build 09 - 01.06.14-05.06.14 Added players in multiplayer Added simple mipmaping Creates 8 resized textures on load Foreach block it selects a mipmap from list based on player distance If further than 100 it will become just a colored block Changed renderdistance (Made 250) Made the skybox radius 150 Changed resources folder to prevent crash from missing assets Now: "" Posible Bugs: Random disconnecting (posibly after another player logs in) issue may be serverside v0.1.3-indev Build 10 - 05.06.14-06.06.14 Changed Resource folder: "" Fixed bug with "You are not logged in message" when player moves when not connected Changed the texture hud to display smaller mipmap of the textures for better resizing Add loading screen Made the mipmaps and textures load and be processes over many frames not all at once Causing the game to not freeze when launching Add progress bar Add fancy MODGOD title and image Game does not start in fullscreen now Removed the faint rectangle on texture menu on in game hud Fixed a memory leak! (I think. Its definitly way better) Changed the mipmap selector algorithim (Smoother) Changed the mipmap resizor (Smoother edges) Added Mipmap toggle option with F2 Added Teleporting v0.1.3-indev Build 11 - 06.06.14 Added flying V to toggle flight Space to rise Left Control to decend While flying you will clip through blocks (But not ground) v0.1.3-indev Build 12 - 06.06.14-07.06.14 Added stepping up stairs up to 0.51 high You do not fly through blocks above Made the loading bar thiner v0.1.3-indev Build 13 - 07.06.14 Fixed bug with glass Made transparent or semi transparent objects get drawn last Known minor problem you may not beable to see other transparent blocks through glass/water ect. Chagne the rise up stairs speed Less bouncy and spazy Added the ModGod version mark on the hud Will remove when we reach v1.0.0! Fixed bug with not teleporting when cursor is not locked Intergrated the downloader into the new loading screen Got rid of the download indercator v0.1.4-indev Build 14 - 07.06.14-09.06.14 Added menu for block sizes Toggle open with "B" Block size is displayed on HUD Made chat less bugy (But still needs visual cleanup) Client can now issue server commands (/COMAND param1 param2, ect) Fixed: Bug with sometimes deleting wrong blocks Fixed: Bug with wrong block offset Fixed: bugs with placing blocks inside of floor blocks v0.1.4-indev Build 15 - 09.06.14-14.06.14 Client will now download from if is not avalible Made the client portable If a folder callded "Data" exists in the root directory it will install assets their insted of AppData Making it portable Added config file with property "server-ip" to set the ip Config file is automaticly generated Made the skybox better with diferent textures on each face Also chooses between to skyboxes Fixed: bug with skybox getting cliped in the corners Added block shading Add Player name plate to gui Fixed player face Added 3 new textures v0.1.4-indev Build 16 - 14.06.14-19.06.14 Ground now is larger and sized based apon the render distance All content is now allways loaded from ./Data insted of %appdata% Game mode changing Texture list and details are hidden in "Combat" mode Players cannot place blocks and highlight blocks in "Combat" mode Added Texture Repeat Option (in block properties (push b)) All block repeat by defualt Adjusted MipMapping a little Added gun (spas12 - shotgun) to HUD in combat mode only Gun has recoil when fired Fire timeout Note: Does not damage players v0.1.4-indev Build 17 - 19.06.14 Added Sprint with Left Shift Added Heath Added new health bar Made the gun damage players Players are hidden when dead And visible when they spawn Added XBox 360 Controller Support In config you can select witch ler to use (1,2,3,4) Controlls A - Jump B - Toggle Block Menu X - Copy Highlighted Block Y - Nothing Start - Nothing Back - Toggle Game Mode (Combat / Build mode) Guide - Nothing DPad Up - Toggle fight DPad Down - Toggle Block align to grid DPad Left - Switch Texture Left DPad Right - Switch Texture Right Left Shoulder - Zoom Block in Right Shoulder - Zoom Block out Left Stick Click - Sprint Right Stick Click - Nothing Left Stick - Walk Right Stick - Look/Pan Left Trigger - Delete Block Right Trigger - Place Block / Shoot gun v0.1.4-indev Build 18 - 24.06.14 Gun now lowers a little when sprinting Player is not able to fire when sprinting Made Cursor go red when targeting players Added Two new config settings "sound-effects-enabled" for Enabling/Disabling sound effects like guns "sound-music-enabled" for Enabling/Disabling music like the startup theme "sound-hitindercator-enabled" for Enabling/Disabling sound effect for hit detection The Config file now repairs it self if settings are missing Added Startup Intro Added Gun shot sound when firing gun v0.1.4-indev Build 19 - 24.06.14-28.06.14 Removed Health Text on hud Added Simple scoreboard Made water non-collideable to players Added Red flash when damaged by another player Made steps less buggy Made rise speed faster (To go up stairs faster) Adjusted collisions (Reduced chances of getting stuck) Added Crouch Works with collisions Stop player from standing when there is no room Increased walk/run speed Inporved the HUD by adding faded backgrounds behind text TODO Tidy up chat box v0.1.4-indev Build 20 - 29.06.14 Added to remote players visible crouching Shrinks the remote players body (but not head) With smaller hit box Fixed: Bug with crouching not effecting the players raycast Made chat wider and some other small hud changes Added Lock feature new Command (Server version 24) /lock - toggles the lock Lock disables the ablity to place and remove blocks v0.1.4-indev Build 21 - 30.06.14 Added visual target hit indivator Added Flip button for fliping Width and Length Added new command (Server version 24) /reloadmap Server sends clear map message then resends all blocks to only the player that requested /loadmap Loads map without restarting server Server sends clear map message then resends all blocks Maploaded is now instantly triggered. Not in the next tick following the final loading message (1 second faster) Clients can now reconnect without restarting Enter will reconnect and bring up the login When disconnected map is cleared and remote players are removed [Server]Fixed: "Unkown mode" message when the mode is correct BUG: Players are broken when reloading Map v0.1.4-indev Build 22 - 04.07.14-07.07.14 Added Selected Blocks Properties menu on HUD Show Blocks XYZ and Width, Height and Length Added Set Texture Button to change selected blocks textuere the spawning props texture Added a pause menu Select blocks by left clicking on a highlighted block When a block is selected if it is clicked again you can move it Changed the spawning options menu to look better Now Loads skyboxes from skyboxes.json (not from materials) Second progress bar for skyboxes Changed the Game Font to 'Microsoft Sans Serif' and Added Medium font When a block is selected and the player is looking at another and presses M the area inbetween if filled. Anyblocks in side area are deleted Smoothed Remote Player Movement (Using lerp over time) Added Rotation caps to the x rotation for remote players Fixed bug with remote players standing up in places where they done fit. (after crouching) With Resume, Disconnect and Quit buttons Fixed bug with the game freezing while connecting Connection and Disconnection are now done async Fixed bug with playing theme music on startup Fixed bug with sprinting when in small area when crouched v0.1.4-indev Build 23 - 08.07.14-10.07.14 Added pistol (m9) Added machine gun (cz805) Added sniper rifle (m110) Added screen recoil when shooting guns Added right click Moved gun to center Zoomed in camera a little Made player speed decrease and secitivity Apply to controller left triger aim Moved Sprint for controllers to left shoulder Improves acuracy Added recoil cross hairs Added random fire shot offsets May need some tweeks Added head and body shot detection Ajusted damage acordingly Push Q to switch weapons or Y for controllers Start with cz805 and m9 (or what ever the server settings are) Client obays the server gun settings v0.1.5-indev Build 24 - 11.07.14-15.07.14 Added ammo for all guns Added Reload (R Key or X for controller) Auto reloads if empty Added player hit grunts when YOU get hit (3 sounds, chooses random 1) Added empty gun click Added switch weapon animation now cannot rapidly switch weapons Added Ammo display (only visible in combat mode and when alive) Added new server command /ammo - gives player full ammo Added ammo pickups in the client code Server now spawns ammo when a player dies Ammo has gun models Server removes the ammo after 30 seconds (Unless it has been spawn by world data Players respawn with ammo and ammoInClip Players can now change weaponds with scroll wheel Game now logs in with its correct game build number (used to compare versions of client to server) Was not correct for playing on updated servers from switch between js and C# engines Started on C# server When players pick up ammo it needs to be updated on the server and other clients Allow users to pickup as weapon if they do not have it (Otherwise auto pickup ammo) Added pickup message with gun silhouette Syncrise player with server so the ammo droped is same amount and same weapons (This needs major play testing) Server needs to keep track of ammo and tell the player witch gun they have and how much ammo Allowed the player to issue commands for setting weapon spawns Weapons spawn when server loads map Weapons spawn at the start of the round Weapons despawn at the end of the round Players are not able to move between rounds Added black screen (later add stats for the round) Fixed bug with remote players warping across the screen when they respawn (Giving away their spawn location) Fixed bug with chat buttons crashing the game Fixed bug with remote players breaking when reconnecting and reloading the map Fixed bug with spawns in walls (Spawns are now recorded at 3 decimal places insted of 1) Fixed bug with scorebaord not aligned corectly Fixed bug with aim flicker when rapidly fireing while aiming BUG: When switching weaponds somethimes ammo is negative or way over the maxium PHP Server Now closes connections and does not pile up connections v0.1.5-indev Build 25 - 15.07.14-27.07.14 Added hit from indicator (Points towards enemy) has suttle height intication (3 blocks up or below) Added gun empty click 2 (Cigerette Lighter sound) Only for CZ805 Controllers can not pickup weapons with X Added mesh collisions (with player and mesh triangles) Splits mesh triangle data into chunks and performs boundingbox collisions to check chunks to improve performance Can not shoot players through meshes Server now tells clients to spawn meshes Server stores mesh spawns in world data Added slight zoom out when sprinting Added simple controller autoaim Slows aiming when looking close to player (Jugded by distance) Added fall damage damage = (distanceFallenFromHeightAirPoint - 5) * 5 (if > 0) Added death message for deaths not caused by a player "PLAYERNAME was killed by stupidity" When a player is not killed by another player it removes 1 point from them Added Message Awards "Kill +1pt " When a player kills another "Stupidity -1pt " When a player kills himself "Dublae +2pts", "Triplae +3pts" ... "Decuplae +10pts" then continues with "Kill +1pt " - For mulitple kills within five seconds of each other "Annihilation +15pts" - When a single player kills all of the other players within 5 seconds between each kill (as long as their is at least 5 players) Fixed bug with debug info not showing correct eye position Fixed spelling mistake in server console when a player logs in (changed "MogGod" to "ModGod") Fixed scaling problem with gun acuracy indercators (When the window is resized) Fixed bug with crouching under meshes and standing through them Started on Physics managing class v0.1.5-indev Build 26 - 06.08.14-04.09.14 Redone ModWorld (Not finished) Added 18 large sections Added water player physics Player sinks in water (Slower than falling in air) Player can rise in water with the jump button (Space or A on controller) Player can bob in water Added water effect to camera when under water Added the ability to set the world to a "Water world" When water world their is sand layer 10 units underwater Water has a suttle flow effect (Motion) Added water physics to water textured blocks Added fog to World Models Added fog to Blocks Added fog to ground/water Added "ghost" block in build mode Added Build Mode Hotbar (left) for quick block size selection Added Build Mode Hotbar (right) for secondary mode selector For switching between safe mode, block mode, mesh mode, boundary mode, UNDECIDEDMODE) Added Head model for remote players Added Steam Support Steam UI is now enabled Note: ModGod is not yet in the steam library so steam will show "SpaceWars" not ModGod Added kill areas and invisible walls (Placeable by player) When user presses F1 the ModGod web page shows through the Steam UI Now cannot pickup/move, place, merge or delete blocks while not in secondary mode 1 Changed the water texture (Added transparency) Made the target and health bar invisible when dead Fixed bug with transparent blocks hiding world meshes Fixed bug with textures being extra flickery in the distance (Chance camera near to 0.1 from, 0.01) Fixed client crash when server spawns world objects that the client does not have Fixed bug with spazing death cam (When dead the motion is forced to zero) Fixed bug with respawning and taking fall damage Fixed bug with highlighting blocks through meshes Set the maxium area 10000x 10000z to -10000x, -10000z and 4000 up Total Playable area (400,000,000,000) 400 Billion meters cubed (10000^2 * 4000) Known bug: Guns clip through camera (and ocasionly walls) Made collidable mesh have normal culling. (not double sided) New Known BUGS Chunk of ModWorld is in the air ("GhostChunk") Skybox flickers white when camera is in a certian rotation range v0.1.5-indev Build 27 - 04.09.14-05.10.14 Added: Air level bar Drains underwater Returns when out of water Lose health slowly when the air is 0 Changed: Made all non-sniper guns much more inacurate especialy when sprinting Fixed: Bug with guns not being aligned properly. Now uses seperate render targets allowing the gun to never clip through any other geometry and remain always on screen Guns are now rendered with static camera on to texture Fixed: Flickering skybox in build mode Fixed: Not being able to shoot through water textured blocks ServerSide (Note: Server is going through an engine change) Added: Player creation on connect Added: Player destroy on disconnect Added: Player movement + rotation Added: Player crouching Added: Player Damage and Death Added: Scoring Added: Respawn Added: Fall Damage Added: Award Messages Kill, Dublae, Triplae ... Decuplae Annihilation Stupidity Added: Instant and Soft Kill Areas Added: Player can change game modes with G Added: Server now sends the ground type for the world (E.g. Grass or Water) Added: Commands /mode mode - Set your mode /modeall mode - Set all players modes /tp x y z - tp yourself to x y z coords /save - Saves the world /stop - Stops the server (Admin only) Added: Drowning Damage Added: Server now Sends World Blocks Added: Server now Sends World Meshes/Terrian Added: Player block placing Added: Block id change with block placing Added: Player block deletion Added: Player Permissions Added: Server now controlls the skybox type. Is no longer random. World files will now determin skybox as well as ground type Defaults to skybox C Added: World Saving by /save or typeing save in the server console Note: No Auto saving Added: 40ms delay between messages between each movement message to each player Changed: Kill +1pt to Headshot +1pt if final shot was a headshot Changed: Tick timeout to be 5ms not 16ms v0.1.5-indev Build 28 - 05.10.14-18.10.14 Added: player spawning system to server Added: "Worlds" tab to side menu Added: List of loadable worlds to side menu under the "Worlds" tab Added: Heal and Reset World Guns buttons to the Tools tab of the side menu for admins/ops only Changed: Client now allows you to play without steam Fixed: Crashes related to switching/reloading maps Fixed: With ammo/gun entities were not removed when the map is cleared Serverside Added: Server sends list of worlds avaible Added: new Commands /loadworld, /loadmap - Load a different map (for all clients). Admin only. Also respawns players /reloadworld, /reloadmap - Reload map file and resend to all clients. Admin only. /resendworld, /resendmap - Resend the world data to single client /lock - Toggles world lock (admin only) /kill, /respawn - Kills player and then respawns them. Usefull if player gets stuck /setspawn - Sets spawn point where the player is standing and facing (admin only) /removespawn - removes closest spawn if with in 0.8 uints of player (admin only) /removeallspawns - removes all spawns (admin only) /listspawns - Lists all spawns in chat /heal - Heals the player /ammo, /refill - Refills players ammo for both guns /resetgunpickups - Resets the worlds guns /saveon/saveoff - Turns autosaving on/off /roundstart,/startround - Starts the round (from postgame timeout) /roundend,/endround - Ends the round Also made /save admin only Added: Server Commands /lock - Toggles world lock Added World Lock Added: Server now keeps track of Ammo and clip ammo for players weapons Server now updates ammo when client switches weapons or reloads Added: Pickable guns/ammo Added: Player now drops their guns with corect ammo when killed Added: Ammo in weapons should be in sync Added: Stop the same sweetas account from logging into the same server more than once With config property "modgod-server-strict-login" is true Added: Rounds Config properties for round times and post game times and minium players to start round Added: Autosave to server Autosaves every 5 minutes (By defualt, defineable in config) Only autosaves if the world is different (Preventing autosave chat spam) Added: Custom login failed messages. Not just Succeeded or failed. Now displays message Added: Oprators list Fixed: bug with players names all the same Changed: Removed "modgod-server-online-mode" property for pirating reasons Changed: Renamed objects in the JSON world files Maded "groundT" now "ground_texture" Maded "skyT" now "sky_texture" Maded "worldModels" now "world_models" Maded "world" now "world_blocks" Note: All old varients are still supported. But old worlds will be converted when saved over in new servers v0.1.5-indev Build 29 - 18.10.14 Added launcher (v0.1.1) Launcher downloads version list Containing avalible versions of ModGod from sweetas Launcher downloads selected version Launcher downloads server list from sweetas and copies it the launched version of modgod Launcher downloads server version list Launcher has server tab for launching and configuring the server Added main menu with server list Direct Connect (With specific ip and port) Uses server list data from launcher v0.1.5-indev Build 30 - 30.10.14-09.11.14 Added Tabbing support for direct connect dialog Added tabbing support for login form Added enter submit for login form Added Horizontal Offset when shooting (Depending on acuaracy) Added /gun , /weapon - for spawning in weapons directly to a player Added gun offset when rotating screen with mouse look/gamepad left stick Bug with gun rotation Added new comands /gametype - e.g. 'ffa' = free for all - Used to set the game type /reloadgametypes - used to reload game type settings /reloadworldlist - used to reload the list of worlds /resetscores - used to reset player scores /team - for setting players current team /changeteam - Cycles through teams /randomteam - Changes the player's team to a random one /teams - for setting amount of teams that will be automaticly created when players join Added gametypes Gametype settings are stored in .json files in a subdirectory of "gametypes" Added 6 Gametypes "FFA" - "Free For All" "FFAHC" - "Free For All Hardcore" "TDM" - "Team Massacre" "MTDM" - "Multi Team Massacre" "CTC" - "Capture The Crucifix" "STC" - "Steal The Crucifix" Added Starting weapons (and ammo) settings to game types Added "TimeLimit" for game time limit (in minutes) Added "RespawnTime" for player repsawn timeout (in seconds) Added "ScorePerKill" for points awarded when a player kills another player Added "ScorePerStupidity" for points awarded/deducted when a player kills himself Added "PlayerDamage" the percentage of damage taken by players (Falling or when shot) Added "GunRespawnEnabled" defines the enablization of gun respawning Added "GunRespawnInterval" the interval (in minutes) for gun respawning Added "PlayerSpeed" the player speed multiplier percentage Added "PlayerSprintSpeed" the player sprinting speed multiplier percentage Added "PlayerJump" jump multiplier percentage Added "PlayerGravity" gravity multiplier percentage Added "ScoreLimit" limit for a team/player to have in one game Added Team names Added Team colors Added Teams Added Teams names and totals to the scoreboard Added Players can no longer damage players on their own team Added Players how have the team color as their body color Added Starting guns for individual teams Added player traits for individual teams The cursor goes green when the player looks at another player on the same team When a team meets the score limit. It will end the round Made the scoreboard team name title show in the team color Added screen fade texture to the m110 sniper when zoomed in Added gun respawning (defaults to 5 minutes) Added Voice Over messages Note: They have a -5 pitch modifier "Game Start" "Game Over" "10 Minutes Remain" "5 Minutes Remain" "1 Minute Remains" "30 Seconds Remain" "10 Seconds Remain" Added "createA" to materials Removed "wall_panel1" from materials Removed "purpleblock3" from materials Changed: m110 does not bob when aiming down sight Changed: Made the target center dot disapare with all guns Changed: The scoreboard is now visible in the between game stats Changed: Removed steeping sliding (Because it was broken) Changed: Removed gun hozrizontal offset when player is shooting from controller Fixed rotation when spawning (Preventing looking at the sky/ground when spawning) Fixed direct connect from apareing more than once Fixed bug with login form now will not open register page with out clicking on it (Enter key will now no longer do this) Fixed: Some server and client crashes Fixed: Bug with players killing other players in build mode Fixed: Bug with scoreboard not correct when logging in Fixed: Bug with guns not reseting when game restarts Fixed: Bug with world not spawning until the round begins v0.1.5-indev Build 31 - 10.11.14-09.12.14 Made the Remote Players hold guns now Server now tells clients what remote players are holding Gun is hidden when remote player is not in Combat Mode Gun now works with crouching Addde intro animation with sweetas logo (Normal Loading will still take place behind the animation) Added proper motion Player now accelerates up to walk/sprint speed Motion is set to zero when colliding with a mesh or block in that axis in the correct direction Add friction to motion on XZ axis Modified by ground/air Add leg power Modified by ground/air and walking/sprinting/crouching Added gun flash to hud when fireing flash has random rotation flash is centered when player aims Added maxium X/Z speed (0.45) and Only when not flying Added new BSP Geometry Algorithuim !! This will allow more higher poly models to be collided with About 60% to >1000% better Togglable (to the old version) by pressing F3 when debug menu is open Debug menu now shows the amount of Bounding boxes intersected and triangles intersected and total time taken Added and Impletmented Voice overs "Low Ammo" "No More Ammo" "Guns Reset!" "Dublae" "Triplae" "Quadruplae" "Quintuplae" "Sextuplae" "Septuplae" "Octuplae" "Nonuplae" "Decuplae" "Enialation!!" Added Render and update time to debug menu Added Proper MipMapping (Smoothing of the distance) Added "None" weapon Players can now have one weapon to spawn with Players cannot switch to the hand if they only have one gun The hand icon is hidden from the hud when it is a secondary When a player picks up a weapon if there secondary is a hand then it will repace that Added sound of other players firing (3d space sound fade out distance) Note: This is volume only... No panning Added server message queuing (Not completly used when needed) Added You win or You lose when the game ends (sent with "post game stats" TODO Send more stats) Added slipping down slopes using the triangles normal and the distance inside of the triangle the player has intersected (Plus a little... Technical terms) Changed: Made the physics use last position per axis when colliding with world meshes Changed: Made the player physics only check rays against trinagles within the players area (Within twice the players bounding box) Changed: The player cannot shoot until the gun has risen back up after sprinting (Prevents weird gun flash positioning) Changed: Removed V Speed from debug menu (Becouse it is repeating infomation) Changed: Removed Enter to bypass the main menu Fixed: bug with spas12 not being position properly when held by remote players Fixed: bug with players being unable to jump when walking into a X+/- side of a block Fixed: bug with negative ammo when reloading with less than a full clip of ammo Fixed: crash with reloading/changing the world Fixed: crash with no ip address in the config Fixed: Changed Y axis ray positions for player physics, walking up hill with side stepping should be much better v0.1.6-indev Build 32 - 10.12.14-21.12.14 Added "Setting Up Game" Menu when joining a server... Waits for a secondary threads to load models and extract collision data Added Dublae, Triplae ... Decuplae emblems (apear on bottom left above the chat) The hot bar highlight is no longer shown when right hotbar is in 6 mode (cross icon) The block size editor popup dialog will only open when the right hotbar is in block mode The Spawning Properties/Selected Block Properties menus are only shown when the right hotbar is in block mode Moved config json files to a new config folder in the assets Made weapon swtiching a little bit faster Added login to launcher Launcher is now v0.2.0 Added login form to launcher Launcher now manages logins Launcher recieves the user data and a new login token (random hash) Launcher passes login token to client settings when launching a client Client now sends that token to game server in login message The game server now can send a login message with a token to the webserver The webserver now checks a database of tokens for each user Tokens expire after 2 hours Tokens life time extends each time the client relogs into a server When the client is relaunched from the launcher the token always changes The launcher will also now create the client config file when launching Note: if the client does not have a hash it will use the old login method (this is useful for development) Fixed black screen when first loading the game with no assets downloaded Fixed crash with pressing Esc while the game is loading Fixed fire flash effect from not disaparing when dead Fixed bug with players who spawn at the same time always spawn in the same location Fixed bug with getting stuck between two blocks (When jumping up stairs) Fixed bug with walking/crouching into small spaces with stairs Fixed warning errors from appearing in the server window. Server only logs fatal errors E.g. Clients disconnecting inproperly v0.1.6-indev Build 33 - 22.12.14-10.01.15 Placable meshes are now loaded from "PlacableMeshes.json" config file Added Ghost Mesh (guide to placing meshes) Added Mesh Properties menu Shows display name and category Has Next/Previous buttons (Left and Right arrow keys also work) for switching the selected mesh in the category Use 1-5 to select the category Added Sweetas Live Chat Added Textbox Spliting to fit the box Added the chat to ingame and lobby Added Sweetas Live Connection (Websocket) Made the Sweetas Chat appear for a few seconds when a message is recieved (Not tested) Added textbox to the game chat Removed Direct Connect Dialog Replaced with text boxes on the main menu Fixed bug with "Connection Problem" occuring when the client doesnt bother trying Client now removes the login name and token from client settings json file when the client runs Fixed server launch button not showing launch (and always showing "Download") Launcher now doesnt clear ip and port input when there is no config setting found. Keeps default Launcher now removes config files from the launcher after the config file are downloaded and loaded/parsed Server is a little more reliable... The "connection has already closed" is only displayed once and then kills client... So the bug is fixed v0.1.6-indev Build 34 - 14.01.15-14.02.15 Added game chat to round break Added leave button to round break Added "Escape to return ..." message in the disconnect screen Added a bunch of missing keys to the textbox class Added public address to the SweetasLive Chat Client Added new gun called "dmr_test" Five headshot kill (8 Body shot) fires fast Reuses the m110 model (Temporary) Added utility function for rendering Bounding Boxes (Currently unused) Added "Victorious", "Tie" or "Defeat" to round break when you win or lose (Made the old message a sub header e.g. "You your team won....") Added ping tests Ping is tested every 1 second Ping is displayed in the debug menu when the "`" key is pressed Updated the FPS counter... Now works properly and updates each frame... FPS = 1000 / LastFrameDrawTimeInMiliseconds May have fixed the semi transparent gun bug (Testing needed) Made hit indercator (on target) 25% bigger Players can no longer cheat in matches when the world is locked Unless they are an admin or operator Made the weapon pickup range 1 unit (from 2) Remote players are smoothed out a little more Made reloading slower Indiviual guns have their own delay time Tidied up the server console messages Made almost every message go through the .Log(string) function Fixed spacing with the "=====..." Line breaks Optimized: gun properties are only defined on game launch not every time a client joins in 'ModGodClient' Class (Serverside) Fixed remote players volume being too loud and not fading out properly Fixed bug with continously respawning in random locations when the round end while you are dead (Spazyness) Fixed Hit direction indercator Fixed Team changing bugs Fixed Gametype changing bugs When the gametype is changed the round ends Fixed ammo display not working when in free for all mode Fixed bug with clicking pause menu buttons in the post game break while the pause menu is not visible This prevents players fire the final shot quiting the server instantly when the round ends Fixed Game win/lose/tie message in round break now displays the correct message Fixed gun firing when the resume button is pressed Fixed rotation when pressing E to toggle mouse lock Fixed unwanted rotation when pressing resume Fixed bug with 'random' round break Caused by sweetas live client on close event Fixed Sweetas Live chat appears ontop of ammo display Fixed server list buttons on the main menu being pressable while they are not visible Fixed the direct connect buttons/inputs being pressable while they are not visible v0.1.6-indev Build 35 - 14.02.15-15.04.15 Added Mesh hightlighting Added Mesh selecting Added Mesh placing Meshes generate collisions when placed Added Place Only mode to Build Mode Press F to toggle This prevents selecting/highlighting of other objects Players will now be able to eaily place blocks/meshes next to each other Added Serverside mesh creation Synced to Server and all clients online Added Serverside mesh destruction Synced to Server and all clients online Added de_dust2 map Added 'spawnguy' an entity to show spawn locations to clients Server sends spawn locations when logging in, spawn setting/delecting or changeing worlds Added new Entity to mesh ray physics handlers New classes EntityRayPlane, EntityRayContainer, EntityRayBox Code is MUCH tidier and is more optimized Fixed bug with steps on meshes Made it so when off the groud you will not step up as much Server will now no longer allow you to set/remove spawns when the world is locked Server now treats meshes indiviualy not just as a string of JSON that is passed striaght to the client Added Serverside mesh id change from creation (To keep synced ids) Lowered the FOV on HUD weapons (Multiplied by 0.8) Players can now delete meshes Removed view bobbing when flying Made selected meshes/blocks highlight green Lowered the gun bobing amount Serverside now uses the XNA Framework libraries Note: This will allow easy physics handling on serverside in future Fixed issue with crouch/stand prevention preventing the player from jumping in certain flat spots on meshes Fixed cursor invisible in build mode while m110 is selected in combat mode Launcher v0.2.1 Launcher now launches games/servers without admin rights. Allowing non-admins to run the game without manualy running the exe file Added remove client/server verisons button to the launcher to remove local content Allowing for redownload Minor Update Added to Contains launcher update and install info v0.1.6-indev Build 36 - 18.04.15-23.05.15 Added VSync option to client config Disabled fixed time step Fixed mouse movement when Updates Per Second changes (UPS/TPS) Fixed player movement when UPS changes Added Spectator Mode Players can fly Players can enter spectator mode by /mode 2 TODO: Mode turns player invisible to players in combat mode and takes them off the scoreboard Partialy Optimized the block rendering Added block-shading config property Tidied up the debug screen Added a background rectangle Averaged the times by the last second Render time, Update time, Physics time Update and Render times are now acurate FPS display is now acurate Added "Are you sure you wish to quit?" dialog to main menu quit button Added Options to the options sub menu on the main menu Added Render dist min, max and fadeout sliders Added slider to the gui Added /cls /clear commands to server (Console only) - Clears console screen Added /config (console only) - Displays server config Added /worldinf /worldinfo (console only) - Display world info Fixed bug with scoreboard missing other players when logging in Fixed bug with dieing not working when rounds are disable (Infinate time length) Fixed bug with respawn timer not disaparing when respawned while rounds are disabled Fixed bug with Z+ ray collisions (Moved 2 rays) This prevents walking through some thin walls and getting stuck in some narrow gaps Also fixes getting stuck when walking along a wall for seemingly no reason v0.1.6-indev Build 37 - 25.05.15-29.05.15 Added "PacMod" map Added PacMod Wall texture Added Telecollider Added client side Spins (Speeds up when player enters and goes opaque) Added Server side With channels Added /settele and /removetele command Launcher v0.2.2 Added different errors for download errors Displaying message in status bar. Added error messages for all version downloads Added Game Options Added map selector (dropdown box) in server settings v0.1.6-indev Build 38 - 02.06.15-13.06.15 Added "Weed" plant. But is not finished. Updated ModWorld (Now called ganymede) New Texture Model revised Textured Base Building "Building1" Added TPS counter to server Server aims for 120 tps Server logs a lag warning if tps drops below 60 Launcher v0.2.3 Added more error fixes and error message Fixed crash with creating the ClientConfig.json file on first client launch Fixed resize issue with lables on the login tab v0.2.0-indev Build 39 - 19.06.15-21.06.15 - Physics improvements, New map experiments - 0.2.0: Get (the B*tch) Playable Update Added "Europa" Map With texture Added "Callisto" Map With texture Note: Map not complete This map will replace mg_modresort Map needs kill areas Added new player movement code New Non linear friction Player movement constants are in Physics.EntityConst class Added limiting movement speed (Preventing redicualus bhopping) There is no friction in air Bunny hopping exists (Sort of) Added new ground slop slipping Player will now slide down steep slopes Player begins sliding on slopes with gradiants higher than 0.2 Player should not be able to walk up slopes with gradiants steeper than around 0.8 Player cannot jump on slopes with gradiants steeper than 0.7 Gun bobbing is now factored by the acual speed of the player (XZ Motion) Some materials now don't preload when the game starts up Added preload option to materials.json If disabled the game will load them when the game starts up This improves load time by alot Note: This doesnt mean that these textures get disposed when they aren't used. Lowered fall damage Players can now fall 10 units before they begin taking damage The damaage is now 2 times the disance instead of 5 times Crouch jumping now works Fact: Players can jump up onto objects 3.3 units high when crouch jumping or 2.8 is not crouch jumping And jump forward 8 blocks before falling below the starting height There is now a jump cooldown of 1 second when crouching (Prevent bhopping while crouching) Players can use crouching in mid air to gain acuaracy but should let go just before hitting the ground to keep momentum Then crouch again just after the jump Added Download size and speed to the initial download screen Displays download size and amount already downloaded and the speed that it is currently downloading at v0.2.0-indev Build 40 - 22.06.15-04.07.15 Added new server command manager Added /? and /help Note: Still needs client command intergration Added gametypes tdm_shotgun tdm_pistols ffa_shotgun ffa_pistols ffa_snipers Renamed gametype "tdmsnipers" to "tdm_snipers" Readded remote player movement smoothing Changed: Server now waits for the client to load in before showing them to other players Changed: Console now displays command after it is execute so you can see typos and understand the output better Changed: Adjusted spas12 aim height so it is closer to the acual cursor Changed minium slip value to 0.4 instead of 0.2 Fixing player from sliding down ramps they are suposted to be able to walk up easily Changed: Skybox now has no depth buffering and will always be drawn behind everthing Changed: CZ805 now has a cursor dot when scoped Fixed Slip calculation now correctly finds the triangle that the play is standing on Added Lowest triangle can be found easily from the BSPCollisionData Fixed Sweetas Live text not correctly positioned (Still not perfect) Fixed Text box being really sensitive when typing too slow Fixed rendering issues for plants and other transparent models Fixed rendering issues with transparent blocks Fixed rendering issues with ground water Fixed flying movement from spazing out and sometimes going backwards Fixed m110 scope fadeout not disaparing when dead Removed world lock from server config Server will always start locked Removed damage fade out on the sniper and the DMR_TEST Removed all acuaracy traits from the game These will be readded later v0.2.0-indev Build 41 - 05.07.15-15.07.15 Added /list, /inf and /status to server Added remote player faded 'xrays' in build and spectator modes Added client command management on the server Added chat popups when message is recieved then fade out after 5 seconds Made chat hidden when game is not paused Added Sweetas Live chat popups when message is recieved then fade out after 5 seconds Added /togglerounds Rounds cant be toggled when in post game mode Changed: Made spawn points invisible until player is im spawn placing mode Changed: Made spawn points visisble through all objects Changed: Made Invisble walls and Kill areas invisible when player is not in build mode or doesnt have invisible walls/kill areas selected Changed: Credits now aligned differently Renamed "QA & Testing" to "Testing & QA" Renamed "Project Lead & Lead Developer" to "Project Lead & Lead Programmer" Added "Brennan Stanley" to "Testing & QA" Changed: Change the error reporting for the server Changed: ModGod Start up music doesnt play when window is not active Also prevents crash when the game try to play the sound while minimized Changed: Removed damage fadout for CZ805, M9 and M110 Changed: Realigned a few hud elements to the edge padding is always 10 pixels Changed: F11 will now always toggle fullscreen, not just when in game Updated MonoGame to 3.4 (from 3.1.2) Fixed server crash when not able to bind ip and port Fixed client crash with weapon spawning when dieing Fixed player damage with M110 Fixed falling through the map with lag spikes Fixed bug with tool menu overlaping the sweetas live chat Sweetas Live chat is no longer rendered when the tool menu is too tall Meaning that when worlds list is displayed the chat will be hidden unless the game is taller than 720p (assuming there is only the official worlds listed for this build) Fixed clients being able to send chat messages with only a spaces in it Fixed bug with game exiting fullscreen on disconnection from a game server Optimized some texture assets (Increased compression) Removed grass-a (Replaced with land mass grass) v0.2.0-indev Build 42 - 15.07.15-29.07.15 Added sweetas live server listing Main menu Server list acually work ModGod Servers now connect to sweetas live and give connection info, player count and display name Added server player count to server list Added page system to server list Added server list refresh button Added page system to world list in tool menu on hud Removed old serverlist.json Removed Water screen effect for flying mode Fixes bug with water effect remaining after leaving water in no clip Fixed bug with server console text color changing after "Server is running ..." message Fixed sweetas live client connection system so it now connects to the lan address and the online address as well The first connection to connect will be used Fixed buttons being pressed through other windows (Game must be active to press a button) Globaly the buttons cannot be pressed faster then 500ms appart. Fixed numourus server crashes related to clients connecting and disconnecting during player list foreach loops Fixed weird crash with changing modes while a block is selected Note: This may not be completly fixed as it may be a multithreaded problem Launcher v0.2.4 Added server mode to the server configurator Removed modgod server list. As it is now no longer used in builds 42+ Note: Previous builds should defualt automaticly v0.2.0-indev Build 43 - 09.08.15-11.08.15 Added config indented formating to the config json file for the client Added server build to the server list When the server build is not client build the server list item text is read in the server list Added command buttons to the sweetas live chat Used for game invites Added reconnect button to the sweetas live chat for the main menu Added "Connecting ..." message in the server list if the sweetas live client is connecting Removed "relaunch the game" message in the server list if the sweetas live client is not connected Added: Client now checks assetpacks location when looking for extraction file Added: Client now downloads assetpacks and puts them in the AssetPacks folder if it is specified from the launcher Added ping checks to servers in the server list Changed: server list now refreshes after leaving a game and reentering the server list Changed: Player can now camcel weapon switching by QQ-ing or scrolling twice Changed: Halfed player friction Changed: Lowered jump height Changed: Made sprinting more usefull Jumping dosnt give any kind of boost Chagned: changing direction in mid air is easier but still not right Fixed: Sliders, Buttons and Textboxes no longer highlight through other windows Launcher v0.3.0 Added max player option to the launcher server settings If the launcher is out of date and there is a download link specified in the version list file The launcher will now send you to the download via web browser then the launcher will close itself. Launcher now creates "AssetPacks" folder when starting Removed settings page on the launcher for the client Since the game has its own settings page and this wont confuse people Added to button to delete all clients versions (this includes assets of that version) Added to button to delete all clients assets Added to button to delete all servers versions v0.2.0-indev Build 44 - 12.08.15-14.08.15 Added sound/effects folder Added a bunch of sounds Added Sound effect manager Plays the sounds from the sound/effects dirrectory Buttons and textboxes now play click sound effects when clicked Quick launch button has a "eh eh" sound effect since it is not availible in this build Fixed crash with extracting asset pack from "AssetPacks" directory Fixed sweetas live client "Connecting ..." message that doesnt go away after failing to connect. Fixed bug with taking fall damage when respawning v0.2.0-indev Build 45 - 15.08.15-16.08.15 Added guns Desert Eagle One shot one kill to the head Barret (Model is temporary) One shot one kill always DMR (Model may be temporary) 3 shot kill to the head Replace "blep" sound effect with "rollover" Changed the m110 gun model hide when scoped in Changed the screen fadeout effect for the M110 Fixed bug with gun rotation lerping not correctly time synced Fixed bug with Sweetas Live client making multiple connection attemps on start up Now it only makes one after the loading has finished v0.2.0-indev Build 46 - 17.08.15-23.08.15 Added: "Are you sure you wish to quit the game?" dialog to the pause menu quit button Added: You can now sort the server list by either: server name, map name, game type name, players in that server or ping Defualts to server name Player can change this by clicking on the titles above the list Changed: Server list ping checks are now best of 5 pings Client sends 5 pings and removes the highest one and gets the average of the other 4 Changed: Made sound effects quieter (button/slider highlighting, button/slider/textbox click, notification for server message and the start up theme) Changed: Server now no longer logs connections only logins and loggouts Changed: Ping number in the server list is colored red when the ping is equal to or above 100ms Changed: Guns reset message doesnt appear when there is no guns to reset Removed: Guns reset voice over Fixed: mising command /ammo Fixed: Server now sends the logged in player count to sweetas live not the connection count v0.2.0-indev Build 47 - 23.08.15-27.08.15 Added: The model loading system now allows multiple textures on a model (overides the server world file, for now) Added: Finished adding keypad controlls (Electronics project) Changed: Game now fullscreens on the current screen the window is on not the primary device Removed: login form from client Fixed: Game no longer crashes when the gaming key pad is disconnected. (Electronics project) v0.2.0-indev Build 48 - 05.08.15 Server tick rate is 32 now (from 64) Server monitor message says total bandwidth and ticks per second rate [B, T] (previously [R, S, T] Recived, Sent, Total) Server no longer closes when losing connection from live in public mode Client now uses a valid com port name to connect to the keypad (Electronics project) If a port name is passed through the launch paramaters that port will be used other wise the first one in the list Updated the dll for the keypad Removed: TPS low warnings Added: Server monitor message turns red temporarly v0.2.0-indev Build 49 - 24.10.15-07.11.15 Added Bullet Tracers (AKA 'lazers') Bullet tracers show the direction your bullet went Bullet tracers fade out after about 200ms Bullet tracers now use correct tracer distance Bullet tracers are now fired from remote players Note: Need to probably hide these for the player shooting... Maybe a disabled config setting Fixed server list buttons not connecting to servers Fixed spazy ground bug with kill areas v0.2.0-indev Build 50 - 07.11.15-15.11.15 Added new Asset Pack loading system !! Asset packs are downloaded and extracted automatically from Config files are loaded Asset packs are loaded Materials Models Placable and non-place-able Sounds (TODO/NOT TESTED) New Asset packs are (Split from 'mgcs-48') 'mg_callisto_b01' 'mg_europa_b01' 'mg_europa2_b01' 'mg_ganymede_b01' 'mg_irex_b01' 'ex_dust2_b01' And the main asset pack 'mgcs-50' Added server bandwidth (IO) to the debug info for the client Fixed: player no longer sees their own bullet 'lazers' (But still see other player's 'lazers') v0.2.0-indev Build 51 - 16.11.15-19.11.15 Added 'ex_minecraft' texture pack Server config property is now completly ignored 'modgod-server-strict-login' Fixed: Server cresh when the '/name' command is used from console when the server is not connected to Sweetas Live (I.E. running in private mode) Fixed: Client not using port from client config Fixed: Server no longer gives error exceptions while reciving message when a user joins while in private mode Fixed: Connecting ... message not changing to disconnected message (some times) Fixed Asset pack bugs with the shared location Fixed: A crash with changes maps caused by texture on the ground when the world is a water world v0.2.0-indev Build 52 - 30.11.15-01.12.15 Added '/live', '/live public|1', '/live private|0' commands to reconnect to live / change server modes Added 'm200' (Cheytac M200 Intervention) Added the m200 silhouette Added new game type loading and processing method Stored in the ModGod.Common project Shared with client and server Added /op, /op list, /op Added /deop Updated the DMR silhouette Changed the DMR and CZ805 now do not have ADS (Aim down sight) Removed the 'barrett' Removed the barrrett silhouette Replaced the 'dmr' with the m200 without the scope v0.2.0-indev Build 53 - 14.12.15-02.01.16 - Happy New Year! Added Elimination When elimination is the selected gametype the game is forced into rounds enabled Players get set into spectate mode if they die before the round ends All players in spectate mode get reset into combat mode when a new round Added Team & Player Lives When you run out of lives you respawn as a Spectator Changed: the game should now retry its extraction if it fails Chagned: the client no longer pings servers that have a different build than the client displays a "~" in the server list instead of ping Fixed crash with server crash when the round ends if the gametype has teams disabled Fixed warning message on client launch Fixed Bullet tracers not taking into account crouching Fixed bug with map doubling up after a round restarts Fixed inviviblity issues with spectator mode when switching modes Fixed crash with refreshing server list Launcher Update 0.3.1 Added "Contacting Server" panel shown when the launcher first starts and when the launching is logging in... Added "+" & "-" buttons to the server port and max players inputs Made inputs text centered Added update self downloader and launches the update .msi file after download ends Also deletes .msi file after update. Changed: "Latest" in the client list to "Latest *" to show which version is latest The latest version also has a "*" in front of it in the drop down list Changed: when clicking the launch button before login the login box opens Changed: many layout and text changes the layout of the main form Fixed: bug with the server properties not being selected properly after a server has been download and extracted Fixed: bug with server still being selected after all servers have been deleted with the "Delete All Server" buttons Fixed: crash when user trys to delete a server/client that is running or files are inuse Fixed round resetting without set all players modes back to combat mode after being eliminated in previous round v0.2.0-indev Build 54 - 03.01.16-05.01.16 Added better support for triple monitor settups Added: Sweetas logo animation is now forced to max width of 1920 (Fixes triple monitor setup issue) Added: HUD/Menus are now centered with a max width of the width from height of a 16:9 ratio Basically in a 3 monitor setup the middle monitor now contains all the hud and menu elements So users do not have to turn their head to read it Added log files for server and client stored in ./logs/ directory Old logs are deleted when the client/server starts up Added small square next to teams and player names in the scoreboard to show colour and made the text white Updated Callisto (Slighty, still not playable) Changed: Player names are not shown in the scoreboard while playing in team games Changed: "Scoreboard" title on the in game scoreboard to the display name for the gametype Changed: Centered vertically the 3 middle main menu side buttons Changed: The Sweetas live chat now automatically calculates the amount of rows of text Sweetas live chat in the main menu will resize to approximitly 2/5 of the screen height Changed: Player speeds Made max velocity 9 (from 8) Increased sprinting speed Increased aiming speed Slightly increased water speed Slightly decreased watar friction Changed: "Red Team" to "Antichrist" and "Blue Team" to "Christ" Red team is now dark gray and blue team is now light gray Changed: Elimination to Annihilation Changed: "elm_ffa" to "annffa" Added a ton of Annihilation gametypes Added: "ann_deagles" Added: "ann_pistols" Added: "ann_riffles" Added: "ann_shotguns" Added: "ann_snipers" Added: "ann_snipers_m200" Added: "annffa_deagles" Added: "annffa_pistols" Added: "annffa_riffles" Added: "annffa_shotguns" Added: "annffa_snipers" Added: "annffa_snipers_m200" Changed: "tdm_shotgun" to "tdm_shotguns" Changed: "ffa_shotgun" to "ffa_shotguns" Fixed typo of "Please V to ..." -> "Press V to ..." in spectator mode Fixed major issue with assetpacks unloading as a new map loads. (Marjor fix) Change: old assetpacks are now unloaded when the gameinfo message is recieved v0.2.0-indev Build 55 - 05.01.16-07.01.16 Updated controller controls mostly for build mode Left bumper now is only used for sprint (Bumpers no longer zoom placing distance) Right bumper is now used for toggling placeonly mode Trigers are still used for placeing and deleting X to toggle grid Y to switch building mode (same as 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0) Single tap back to toggle flight or show scoreboard Double tap back to switch modes A remains as rise and B is now down Dpad left and right remain as texture selector Dpad up and down is now cycling through block sizes (same as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) Updated: the WebSocketSharp framework to a newer version Changed: the ping system for the main menu to the official .NET version (More stable) Prevents interupting 'busy' game servers by pinging the router or machine if LAN (i assume) Note: ping no longer checks if the server is online Changed: in game pinging to the WebSocketSharp one (cleaner code) Changed: the server loop to more accuratly time each tick (Based from Cosmos code) v0.2.0-indev Build 56 - 07.01.16-20.01.16 Added right side pannel to the main menu Shows player info Shows server info when a server is highlighted Note: Will likely add a friends list to the bottom later on Added gametype and map icons to the world files Now sends them to client in game info message Now sends them to sweetas live on SendServerConfig message Added map icon to the server list side menu Note: the gametype icon is still used Added new water shader (Not implemented yet) Not used due to crashes (May be removed or fixed) Added "air" ground type that hides the ground (colisions is still there) Updated mg_hovland to have "air" ground type Added Client bandwidth monitoring to the debug info Added packet monitor, shows each message sent in last second Also display number of times that message was sent that second Added map icons for mg_hovland mg_reacher mg_pacmod mg_europa mg_ganymede Moved network debug info to the right side of the debug display Changed: the tool menu is now hidden when the debug menu is open Changed server tick rate to 20 (from 32) Updated networking Converted Serverside messages to be sent in tick packets 1 packet is now sent each tick Optimized the messages to be arrays not objects for shorter messages Add the client tick update method to client core synced with the tick rate of server Converted client side messages to be sent in the array not object format Updated world objects sending from server World objects lists are limited to 100 (Const var in Program.cs) World is sent in chunks preventing some large packets that may be causing inconstistancy when a nother player is loading in Fixed issue with the failed to log in message always saying "bad login token" when a client fails to log into game server Fixed bug with player names in the scoreboard are still margin'd to the right when not in team mode Fixed bug with player dieing off respawn when killed by instant kill areas This is also a bandwidth optimization with the game previously sending a message for each frame rendered Fixed bug with player sending player movements when the player is dead Fixed weird bug with rounds not working when another connection is not logged in (Loop 'break' instead of 'continue') Fixed ping in the server list not working on external networks Pinging a server in the server list will no longer work when the server is down (Improvement) Fixed merging kill areas it deleting colliding normal blocks (and vise vera) Fixed bug with not being able to place normal blocks inside of kill areas v0.2.0-indev Build 57 - 21.01.16-27.01.16 Added arrow crosshair for when sprinting Added new gun accuracy system that is highly based on movement When the gun is inaccuate it tends to shoot upwards Added unique accuaracy values for each gun (Not final) Changed: doubled the M9 pistol clip size to 16 Changed: increased the starting pocket ammo to 64 Changed: decreased the fire interval for the m9 Changed: increased the damage of the spas12 Changed: the player shoot messages (client to server) to now round to 2dp the player and bullet distances (network optimization) Changed: the gametime message as a int so that the json parse doesn't always but .0 on the end (network optimization) Changed: the ping value in the debug menu to round number Fixed bug with standing on blocks causing the OnGround boolean to flicker from 0 to 1 This fixes some issues with friction v0.2.0-indev Build 58 - 29.01.16-12.02.16 - Golden Guns Update Added Screen verticle recoil/kick when firing Added 'are you sure' dialogue box to the save neat button Added new Player Head texture Head model also has small changes Added new player body model Removed old block body Added new player feet model Added Golden Gun Deagle coloured gold One shot 1 kill 100% accurate 1 in clip 4 max in pocket 2 Second reload time Added Gametype Golden Guns (tdm_ge, ffa_ge) All players just have golden guns FFA and TEAM versions Added new parts to mg_reacher Added the ability to load xnb texture files in materials of asset packs Added the ability to load xnb texture files in main assets Updated the mgcs-58 pack Converted all png files to xnb's All block textures have pre generated mipmaps Note: this causes the game to load in under 5 seconds :) Updated some maps to use preloading for large textures Updated "mg_europa_b01" to "mg_europa_b02" Updated "mg_callisto_b01" to "mg_callisto_b02" Updated "mg_ganymede_b01" to "mg_ganymede_b02" Updated "mg_irex_b01" to "mg_irex_b02" Changed all textures from the packs above to xnb files with pre-generated mipmaps This means that they are like 40-60% smaller and load almost instantly They have DXTCompression and MipMap Generation and were exported from the monogame pipeline tool Changed: the right side menu in the main menu now 'cleans' strings of gametype names and server names To help them fit in the side menu Chagned: the scoreboard now 'cleans' the gametype name Changed: many names of buttons in the tool menu to fit with new fonts or fix spelling mistakes Changed: Repaced all fonts with new 'Verdana' ones Changed: Moved the game time to the bottom of the scoreboard Changed: The scoreboard is centered when inbetween games Scoreboards width is scaled by width when inbetween games Changed: When scoped the accuaracy is greatly improved as it looks more realistic Fixed the mipmapping now is no longer influenced by the framerate Fixed bug with semi transparent player gun when changing from fullscreen to windowed Fixed bug with remote players appearing for a split second where they died when respawning Fixed bug with pinging a server causing " has left the game" message to all clients on that server Fixed bug with gun not auto reloading until fire after the ammo runs out not at the last shot Fixed bug with copy button size being reset instantly Fixed bug with green cursor appearing when no different teams/ffa (potentially) Fixed bug with jerky standing after crouching when the frame rate is low (ie < 200 ish) Fixed bug with spawn point rotation (From new networking system) Fixed bug with leaving water causing sufforcation to start (Inverted oxygen messages with the network code) Fixed bug with teleporters causing rotations to change 'randomly' (From new networking system) Fixed bug with the player name plate only showing when the mouse is unlocked (Should be only when locked) Fixed crash with name plates for remote players Fixed crash with switching to build mode causing other players to go into the loading screen and get stuck Fixed bug with map changes causing players to get stuck in the loading screen Fixed bug with recoil not working since new gun accuracy system Fixed big with the cursor still hidden if the game loads before the splash screen ends v0.2.0-indev Build 59 - 12.02.16-08.03.16 - Gametype Update Added Game type options Added PlayerRegenDelay Added PlayerRegenTimeout Added PlayerRegenRate Added PlayerRegenMax Added PlayerUnlimitedAmmoEnabled Added PlayerBottomlessClipEnabled Added SpawnWorldGuns Added SpawnPlayerGunDrops Added/Fixed RespawnWorldGuns Added/Fixed GunRespawnInterval Added DamageFallEnabled Added DamageFallMultiplier Added DamageEnabled Added DamageWeaponMultiplier Added GameStartVoiceOver Changed PlayerDamage to PlayerDamageMultiplier Changed PlayerSpeed to PlayerSpeedMultiplier Changed PlayerSprintSpeed to PlayerSprintSpeedMultiplier Changed PlayerJump to PlayerJumpMultiplier Changed PlayerGravity to PlayerGravityMultiplier Fixed JumpMultiplier Fixed PlayerSpeedMultiplier & PlayerSprintSpeedMultiplier Added Specifici Game Start Voice Over to gametypes All TDM gametypes start with "Team Masscere" All FFA (DM ONLY) gametypes start with "Free For All" All ANN gametypes (Both team and ffa) start with "Annihilation" Added Gametype Random Weapons (tdm_random, ffa_random, ann_random, annffa_random) Same as tdm/ffa but with random primary and a m9 secondary Unlimited pocket ammo Added Gametype One in the Chamber (oic) Free for all Starts with 1 bullet in the golden gun no secondary When you kill someone you gain 1 bullet Last person alive wins Guns do not drop on death No guns spawn on the map Note: Meele is required to complete Added random weapon selection by using "random" as a gun name Added unlimited ammo to ffa_ge and tdm_ge Added ffa_ge_chaos and tdm_ge_chaos Same as _ge but with bottomless clip Added ffa_pistols_chaos and tdm_pistols_chaos Bottomless clip with the m9 Added 5 second break when the game ends via score limit or elimination Changed: disabled weapon spawns and drops in ffa_ge and tdm_ge Changed: disabled weapon spawns and drops for Sniper Gametypes and unlimited pocket ammo Changed: added unlimited pocket ammo Sniper Gametypes Changed: went through all gametypes removing unnessacery properties and fixs some issues Fixed bug with the ammo display showing the primary ammo as the secondary ammo Fixed bugs with team elimination not working (Team Eliminations not causing the game to end) Fixed bug with client trying to shoot invisible remote players For example shooting spectators Fixed bug with TDM and FFA games not ending on score limit Fixed bug with downloading asset packs cause the game to skip adding the models in that asset pack. Game would have to be restarted v0.2.0-indev Build 60 - 29.03.16-27.05.16 - Player animation & Infection Added team colors to players Added random colors for free for all players Added Bobing animation to remote players body, head and gun Updated the bounding boxes for remote players Effected by bobing animation Bounding boxes now have the head bounding boxes thiner like the model It is now posible to shoot between the legs and body and miss Changed client namespaces to "ModGod_Client" Changed client exe name to "ModGod Client.exe" Removed settings file form client properties Fixed bug with message box of 0 (the message from server is now displayed) Fixed bug with ground lighting Removed ground lighting and fog Fixed inconsistent TPS from the server The client now instantly returns a tick when recieving one from the server Note: when running a server VSYNC on the client may improve server performance Update the Launcher to version 0.4.0 (incomplete build) Added Admin only client and server versions (Ignored if user is not logged in as a admin) (Not finished) Added report bug tab to the launcher Added error handling for error while logging in Added autocomplete seguestions to the ip textbox for server properties Added lan addresses to autocomplete (Skips IPv6 addresses) Replaced server map selector to a combobox with map autocomplete and item seguestions Replaced server gametype selector to a combobox with gametype autocomplete and item seguestions Fixed bug with launcher button not showing the login form when off the login tab Fixed bug with close button on the login form showing the logging in state of the launcher window Fixed centered text "Logging in ...", "Contacting server ..." v0.2.0-indev Build 61 - 28.05.16-10.06.16 - Bug fixes Added 5 second timeout to ping connections Added Karlin Bennett to the credits as tester Added fallback if resolves to the same external ip Set tick rate to 24 tps Changed client exe back to "ModGod.exe" Updated mg_qbix map Added instant kill area to the floor Added side wall that was incomplete Removed the tick number from server and client messages Fixed server ignoring player limit from config Fixed pinging in server list Fixed asset pack download hanging at 100% Fixed bug with server crashing when the /stop command is issued Updated the Launcher to version 0.4.0 (completed) Added alternative server if resolves to the same external ip Changed: the client launch options do not show when on the server launcher Launcher will launch under admin permissions now preventing program files permission errors Removed status page (for now) Finished Adding Admin only client and server versions (Ignored if user is not logged in as a admin) v0.2.0-indev Build 62 - 19.06.16 - Bug fixes Added mouse sensitivity slider to the settings page Added mouse sensitivity config setting Defualts to 1x Changed: The server list pinger now pings upto 5 servers at a time now makes 3 ping checks per server and times out at 3.2 seconds Removed min render distance slider in settings Removed render distance fadeout slider in settings Changed: Config loader now ignores render min and fadeout settings Fixed/reduced crash rate with server list on load (Usually when VSYNC is off) Fixed bug with server list pingers timeout not working Updated the Launcher to version 0.4.1 Fixed launcher overiding client properites Fixed admin version launching (both server and client) v0.2.0-indev Build 63 - 20.06.16 - Walking animation Added: player can now see its body and feet Added motion based walking animation to players feet Added motion based walking animation to remote players feet v0.2.0-indev Build 64 - 23.06.16 - Player movement fix Added: QBix golden guns gametype With unlimited ammo Changed QBix rules Removed all fall damage Fixed/improved: the stability of the server by fixing client list loops Server should be less likley to crash from refreshing the server list Fixed player movement being skipped by a redundant timer v0.2.0-indev Build 65 - 26.06.16 - Player linear movement smoothing Added: Rotation lerping to the remote player Changed: Added max bonus points of multikills to +1 per spree Changed: Movement smoothing is now linear and is no longer completely lerp based Started: Lifting animation for remote players feet Currently disabled Fixed: Respawn teleport smoothing If player moves more than 2 units in an update the movement will not be smoothed Fixed: Spelling mistake of "spectator" as "spacator" in chat from server life respawn system Fixed: Oxygen not affecting a player when they respawn in a no oxygen area Updated QBix map: Added spawn points Added more detail in blocks Changed map materials Changed name property to "QBix" v0.2.0-indev Build 66 - 27.06.16 - Weapon and Stability Update Added: Escape now allows you to leave the Login screen while logging into a server Added: when a round starts the cursor is automaticly locked Changed Weapons: Changed: Increased accuracy for the spas12 Changed: Increased accuracy for the CZ805 Changed: Increased head shot damage for the CZ805 Changed: Deduced the per shot CZ805 accuracy offset Changed: Increased general damage for the m9 Changed: M200 now has 8x scope Changed: M110 now has 4x scope Changed: DMR is now 3 shot body and 1 head shot kill Removed: ADS for m9 deagle geagle Spas12 CZ805 Changed bl_stadium: Made the map smaller Changed remote player feet animation speed Fixed crash with spawnpoint drop loop when spawnpoints are added Fixed/reduced general foreach loop crashes to the client Fixed cursor becomming invisible forever Known unsolved bugs Delete server version button in the ModGod Launcher does not do anything. Bullet tracers from the first person perspective look bad and will be removed when bullet holes are added One in the chamber gametype is not complete as their is no meele inplimented yet. When you shoot through the feet of the player throught the whole body through the head you still get a headshot Changing/moving/editing blocks causes block texture repeat to disable *********************************************************************************************************************** ** Report bugs/issues and proposals at ** ***********************************************************************************************************************